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danda143 29.06.08 - 11:20am
One aspect of the ecological question that natural man is troubled about is that of population control. Because he is frightened concerning the future of this earth he feels that mankind must be limited in his growth. Therefore, today the subject of population control is openly discussed and welcomed to a greater or lesser degree by people in every walk of life. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:21am
Even many Christian theologians have put their stamp of approval on birth control. Thus far such extreme measures of population control, as abortion, have escaped general theological approval. Unfortunately, once a pill is perfected which will permit the aborting of early pregnancies, we can even expect some theological approval for this act. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:21am
It is rather easy to see unsaved man's acceptance and promotion of these concepts. He is deeply concerned with this earth and its ability to provide everything that is desirable for man. Because he has no regard for God or His providential care of the universe, he is convinced that he alone is the master of his fate, the captain of his soul. He is, therefore, even willing to commit mass murder (abortion) to realize what he believes are legitimate goals. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:22am
He argues that the earth is rapidly becoming over-populated. While one can see the reason for the fright that is producing this idea, the error of this concept can be shown very easily by a very simple computation.

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:22am
The state of Texas contains 263,513 square miles of land area. This is equal to 7,300 billion square feet. The population of the world is approximately 3.5 billion. If this population was divided into families averaging four people (parents plus two children), there would be about 875 million families. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:23am
If each family was given a plot of ground 6,000 square feet in area, which is the size of many of our suburban lots, a total of 5,250 million square feet would be required. Since the state of Texas contains 2,050 billion square feet more that this, there would be sufficient area in this one state for all the families of the earth today, with land the size of the state of Iowa left over for streets and parks. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:23am
The rest of North America, Central and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia would be available for factories, food production and recreation. Truly man has only begun to fill the earth. Those who advocate population control really do make completely unrealistic claims.

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:24am
The Christian, on the other hand, realizes that the Bible has something to say about this question of population control. God told Adam to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth...(Gen. 1:28). This command was repeated to Noah after all mankind was destroyed by the flood of his day (Gen. 9:1). And it has never been abrogated. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:24am
It is still a command that must be obeyed if we wish to be pleasing to God. For it is a part of the Word of God and, thus, it becomes one of the rules for God's people to follow. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:25am
God does not give this command in a vacuum, that is without supporting promises. His promises of blessings for those who trust and obey Him are legion. Isn't it a fact that God is perfectly true and faithful to all of these promises? *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:25am
Even unsaved man experiences the hand of God in caring for him. God loves this earth and does not abandon it just because man gets more plentiful. The eyes of all look to thee, and thou givest them their food in due season. Thou openest thy hand, thou satisfieth the desire of every living thing (Ps. 145:15,16).

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:26am
Moreover, God specifically indicates that children are a blessing of God. Psalms 127:3 records, sons are a heritage of the Lord. Psalms 128:3 and 4 declares, your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Lo, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:26am
We thus find irrefutable consistency in the Word concerning the question of children.

That God is true to His promises to supply the needs of mankind is seen today. While only a few years ago millions faced the specter of starvation, today the situation is repidly changing. Thanks to the development and introduction of rice and wheat strains with far greater yields, many of the poorest nations of the world are now experiencing surpluses.

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:27am
Only by God's sovereign mercy are the minds of men enlightened, so these agricultural advances can be made at this critical time. One wonders what tremendous food resources would be available under God's blessing if man would give as much attention to solving the problems of food distribution, and the overcoming of pagan prejudices which waste food resources (i.e., the sacred cows of India) as he spends on population control. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:28am
For the believers a number of truths are worth suggesting:

1. The rearing of children is not only an evidence and source of great blessing from the Lord, but it is also a great opportunity to provide additional men and women who can manifest the love of the Savior to the world. How desperately they are needed. Can a father or mother experience a greater challenge than this?

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:33am
2. The believer realizes that the maintenance of a standard of living on a level with his neighbor, or of providing a certain level of education (by the world's standards) runs a poor second to educating children in the fear and nurture of the Lord. (How many christian parents still teach their children Bible)? Seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness is the first priority of His life. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:34am
3. The believer recognizes that the intent of birth control devices is to remove any possibliity of pregnancy. Use of such means effectively removes God from the picture (under God's permissive will these devices are produced. God often allows the sinful activities of man to be successful.)


danda143 29.06.08 - 11:35am
The Christian knows that the creation of life is God's province. When thou sendest forth thy Spirit they are created (Ps. 104:30). The spirit of God has made me(Job 33:4). No child is ever conceived without the activity of God. One who serves God, therefore, takes extra precautions that he and his children will not be brain-washed by the thinking of the world in these areas of their lives. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:35am
That this is a serious problem is readily seen by the feelings of guilt already experienced by some believers when they become pregnant for the third or more times. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:36am
4. God has provided a means by which married love can be enjoyed without certain pregnancy. This is afforded by the fact that usually conception can take place only one day a month. But this is untrustworthy as a means of birth control. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:36am
Abstinence during that period of time may minimize the possibility of conception, but it does not prevent God from intervening and causing conception another day. Conception is recognized as a blessing of God even if the world looks at it entirely differently. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:37am
5. The believer has faith that if men faithfully obey God, even if such obedience would result in a population many times greater than that on the earth today, God will provide every necessary physical blessing. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:37am
He understands, moreover, that God has a very precise timetable for this earth's existence. Christ will surely return long before the earth approaches a standing room only condition. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:38am
It is surely not at all coincidental that today we find occurring simultaneously, the desire for population control, the easing of abortion laws, and the extreme decline in s*xual morality. *

danda143 29.06.08 - 11:39am
These sins surely appear to be completely related to each other and could well be in the forefront of those which will bring God's judgments upon our nation and upon the world.

alfomega 1.07.08 - 12:13pm
reading.GIF mmmmmhh. . .amen *

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